Saturday, March 3, 2007

Same Brother and Sister

It really is not important whether our original parents were Adam and Eve, or a scientific evolution. We are all Brothers and Sisters, forever. As stated before:
"Every citizen should be a soldier, This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state." Thomas Jefferson said: "Should be a soldier", in effect, some hearts could not be soldiers, but all members of the free states who want Liberty, Life and the Pursuit of Happiness, must be like the Greeks and Romans and Fight for their Freedom. Hence we find in the Articles of the Confederation, the garrisoning of military stocks and equipage, as well as the requirement for the United States Assembled would decide payment for these provisions and costs.

Much has been said about The Israli Occupation of their Country, and the border wars and suicide bombing, and attacks on Lebonan, and the ownership of the Land Israel occupies. This is the early map of the Kingdom of Judea 1. as it is believed to exsist, as provided for in the bible.

There are many blogs about who owns what territory, and certainly too many lifes have been lost over this arguement of ownership. The spoils of war over and over again has hurt the boundaries of Israel, and ownership of this land. The bible recognizes from Dan to Beersheba, as given to King David. It was not until the 1800's that Arabs migrated back to Jeruselem, just as the Jewish people returned and worked the swamps to restore the land, that was given to them.

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